Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. This can be applied within the field of nutrition and psychiatry. In other words, Orthomolecular medicine aims to reach optimum levels of each micronutrient (Vitamins & Minerals). Vitamins are necessary for your immune function, blood clotting and many other functions. Optimum mineral levels are mandatory when it comes to growth, bone health, fluid balance and hormone balance.
The word Orthomolecular is as hard to pronounce as it is to read and understand. Breaking down the word into two words makes it easier. “Ortho” is the Greek word for “Correct” and “Molecule” simply means molecule. A molecule is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a specific compound. Ortho(-)molecular simply means “Right Molecule”.
It is easier said than done, as there are so many nutrients that are essential to life and good health. The problem is that the typical Western diet is low in several important nutrients. Even when not officially diagnosed with a (severe) deficiency, it can still mean that your body doesn't have enough nutrients to thrive, sometimes it merely has enough to survive.
Orthomolecular Medicine aims to give your body optimum levels of these important 'micro nutrients', so you have every tool to live a long, happy and healthy life. Even people who are eating the most healthy diets imaginable, seem to suffer more and more from nutritional deficiencies. The reason? The nutrient content in our actual produce is declining dramatically. The mass production of hybrid and GMO foods in combination with the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes plants to grow faster than they are meant to. This means that the plants bulk up on carbs quickly, at the expense of other essential nutrients. Add to this that they are often grown in nutrient lacking soil. The most common deficiencies today are: Iron, Magnesium, Iodine, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Calcium and Vitamin A.